Understanding Funerals Costs
We have created some scenarios to help you understand what a traditional funeral may cost, as well as what is involved. These are inspired by typical stories we hear from families. Use these ideas to build a picture in your mind of how a funeral may look for your loved one.
Scenario 1 | $6,360
Samantha’s mother Betty has passed away in the public hospital. Samantha’s mum wanted no funeral at all. However, the family decided that they need to say “Goodbye”, as it is important that there is an acknowledgement of life and death to accept what has happened.
To show their respect the family and the Funeral Director have organized that Betty will be uplifted from the hospital; she will come into the care of the funeral home, where she will be washed and dressed in clothes provided by the family. A couple of days later she will lie in state for an hour in the Funeral Home’s chapel. Here, 15 minutes will be open casket and 45mintues will be closed casket. This allows anyone who wants to say “Goodbye” can do so without going against Betty’s wishes. The funeral director will then take Betty to Purewa Crematorium in the hearse. Following the cremation, her death will be registered and Samantha will receive an Original Certificate from Internal Affairs. Betty’s ashes will then wait at the Funeral Home in the standard urn provided until Samantha and the Family are ready to have her back.
Scenario 2 | $13,348
James’ father, Greg, has suddenly passed away. James and his family were not expecting him to die. They aren’t too sure what they want at this stage; however, they want to make sure that he gets the send-off that he deserves. James has made contact with Expression Funerals and is confident of the care they will take of Greg. Greg will be uplifted from the Coroner, arranged by the funeral director, and taken into the care of the Funeral Home. He will then be prepared and embalmed so that it gives time for the family to make decisions and see Greg; as this provides some acceptance of what has happened. Over the course of several days, the Family and Funeral Director will organise that Greg will lie in state at home leading up to the funeral.
The funeral will take place on a Thursday at the Local Rugby club where he spent some of his free time. They have chosen a Recycled Oiled timber casket as Greg was a master carpenter and that would be most fitting for him. They would like the Funeral Director to organize red and white flowers reflecting the colours of the Rugby Club and Rosemary for the committal. The Rugby Club will organise their own Officiant, Music, Service Cards and Catering. Greg will be uplifted from home and taken to the Club with the Funeral Home Follow Car. This will give a chance for the Chief Mourners to follow behind the hearse without having to drive. Greg will then be taken to Manukau Memorial Gardens for Cremation where the Mourners will follow in the Follow car and be dropped back off to the club following his cremation. His death will be registered and James will receive an Original Certificate from Internal Affairs. Greg’s ashes will then wait at the Funeral Home in a matching oiled urn until James and the Family are ready to have him back.
Scenario 3 | $13,135 + Burial Fees of $1,600
Skye’s mother Dawn has passed away in a rest home after a long illness. She lived an amazing 94 years. The family had spoken to Dawn about her wishes for when her time comes and she wished to have a traditional funeral and burial as she did for her late husband John. Dawn has been uplifted and taken into the care of the Funeral Home where she will be embalmed and dressed in the lovely purple dress provided by the family. At the Funeral Arrangement meeting on Saturday, the Family have decided a Funeral will take place the following Friday at the All Saints Chapel of Purewa Cemetery. Throughout the week the family have selected time slots for friends and family to come to the Funeral Home and spend time with Dawn. On the day of the funeral Dawn will be driven past the family home where the family will be able to follow the Hearse to the Chapel.
A Follow vehicle will also be provided to the family so they don’t have to all drive to the chapel. They wish to have a Female Officiant take the Funeral. They have requested 80 service cards and also a photo tribute to be made.
Dawn loved her Rosewood, every piece of furniture at home was Queen Anne Style, and the family have decided on a Polished Rosewood MDF Casket with gold and wooden handles. To go with this they have requested a beautiful Purple Casket Spray as purple was her favourite colour. Dawn was very much into her distant Scottish Heritage, there will be a Piper to play the bagpipes at the beginning and at the end of the funeral. The Piper will lead the Hearse to the Graveside. The Follow Vehicle will bring some of the mourners. Once Dawn is interred the family have bought a temporary grave marker to be placed on the grave. After the Graveside Burial beside her late husband, family and friends will then reconvene in the St Johns food lounge where the family have catered for about 5 pieces of food per person with tea coffee and juice. Her death will be registered and Skye will receive an Original Certificate from Internal Affairs.
We’re supporting families through traditional funeral practices